Happy Mind - my pleasure

2011.4.17 Sun - 5.29 Sun

Stephen G. Rhodes/Ken Kagami/Maya Hewitt/Kaoru Arima
Trevor Shimizu/Jim Shaw/Barry Johnston

Happy Mind - my view

2011.6.10 Fri - 7.17 Sun

Masahiko Kuwahara/Naotaka Hiro/Soichiro Murata/Roe Ethridge

The gallery will be closed on Sunday,April 24th.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Golden Week Holidays:April 29 – May 5

MISAKO & ROSEN will present a two-part Spring and Summer group exhibition entitled Happy Mind The exhibition, which will consist of work by non and represented artists from Japan and abroad, considers the complex nature of manifestations consequent of both suppression and repression within contemporary Japanese culture. The exhibition is placed within in a tradition of representation : figure and landscape feature prominently in Happy Mind : my Pleasure (April 17 – May 29) and Happy Mind : my view (June 10- July 11) respectively, yet these concerns are situated within a highly contemporary re-consideration of representational possibility. Though on a whole awkward or uncomfortable in form, the exhibition ultimately revels in an openness born of optimism and a form of expression – though created piecemeal – particular to Japan.


Happy Mind – my pleasure  Installation views
Happy Mind – my view  Installation views